I just had one of the most amazing days ever.
I had meant to make the post a lot shorter, but well, I'm feeling rather excited and gregarious and talkative.
In short:
- promoted to editorial assistant in journalism/the school newspaper staff!
- had a good lunch period doing chemistry with a cute boy
- found out I got the highest grade on the last ap chem test
- got sushi after school
- hung out with my little sister in the club
- finally got an ad for the newspaper (part of our grade and I spent an hour trying to find one yesterday)
- had a social thing with another club, where I actually talked and wasn't reclusive
- met a guy who I sort of like now. We had a conversation about books. That makes him pretty cool in my book. And he makes me feel kind of liked, because he kept talking to me, and only me, out of the 8 or so other girls that were there.
- watched jeopardy
In detail (topics are bolded for your convenience):
The sky was a beautifully clear blue this morning.
In journalism, the advisor finally talked to the editor-in-chief about making me co-editor. (Last month, I got stuck with the most crappiest of staff jobs that involves pretty much putting together our mail.) The advisor had told me about the prospect last week to ask if I was okay with it. (Of course I was.) She also told me then that I was the only one on staff she felt understood all 4 types of articles that we write on the newspaper and that I had actually been her first choice for editor-in-chief. Although I was a bit mad that I didn't get it and more mad at myself for not putting it on my lists of jobs I wanted, the knowledge of knowing that I was first choice eclipses it. However, the advisor then presented two options: 1) I become co-editor-in-chief, splitting the responsibilities with the editor and 2) I become the editorial assistant, basically just assisting the editor. She said it was up to me, as the editor was so "open minded." But of course, that just puts me in a most awkward situation. It was also obvious the editor didn't really want to share the job and title. Eventually, I told her (the editor) that I thought she should pick what my job was because it was originally her job and I didn't want to feel like I was intruding on it. She quickly chose for me to be the assistant, claiming that it was be best since she could get a view on all the articles and ask for my help as needed. Although I had wanted to be co-editor more, it really doesn't even matter. It's just a title and I still have next year to be editor-in-chief. I get the feeling she's going to give me all the crappy and extensive jobs that involve the reorganization of an article...
Lunch was also fun for me. I spent it in the physics room doing chemistry since the chem teacher had a meeting. I talked to these two guys more, and it was nice. I happen to think one of them is rather cute. Although his appearance is cute, his personality is really cuter. Plus, he's pretty smart in the sciences. I love nerds.
And guess who got the highest grade on the last test in AP Chemistry? Not to brag, but, well, that's me. Although it's a rather crappy high score (an 88%), just me having the highest score feels amazing. I was actually pretty nervous as she called each person up individually to tell us our grades (since she hasn't set the curve yet). Not relevant, but the teacher had initially called out one boy for having scored the highest grade, only to retract it when his name came up. I thought that was pretty sucky for him. She also announced that she found the high scorer when she got to mine, which makes me feel rather uncomfortable.
After school, I got sushi with some friends at a sushi truck. Then went with my club sister to get a newspaper ad contract signed. It was nice just to hang out with some friends. I've been too loner like the past two years. Not that it was the first time in two years that I went out, but, well, you know.
We also had a sort of club social with another (boy) club today. It was fun. At the introduction circle, some guy gave me half of his piece of gum. And I sparked some conversation when it got to my introduction and I announced that "I like boys who like Harry Potter" (we had to state what we liked about the opposite sex).
We then made cracker sandwiches with nutella and played some games. One of them involved holding hands in a line, and well, the guys on both sides of me whose hands I held were pretty cool. They actually remembered my name, which is rare for such events, since they're only announced at the intro circles. Anyways, we talked about Harry Potter for a bit. Another guy gave me a high five for being a "Harry Potter lover" haha(:
Another game was ninja, which is basically standing around in a circle with your arms in a ninja pose and trying to hit someone's hand to get them out. Three guys ganged up on me, but since the circle was pretty big and it took a while for it to get to our turn, we talked quite a bit.
And I kept talking to one of the guys after we both got out. We started talking about books. And it was awkward, but nice. And gosh, I kind of like him. We were together for all but one game (out of four). And it was just nice. We would look at each other, and he would start talking to me, and it would feel like he wanted to talk to me. And we would both move towards each other when another game started so that we could hang out and talk. And it was just pretty natural.
During the game, when the three guys ganged up on me, I started talking to another one of the guys about Harry Potter, and he interrupted our conversation and I started talking to him and forgot about the other guy (not in an abrupt and mean way though). And I don't know, it's sort of nice because it shows that he wants to talk to me. And I guess I should clarify that he didn't rudely interrupt the conversation. He just sort of made a comment that took away my attention.
And gosh, now I'm just gushing, but there was also a moment where he asked raise your hand if your head's cold, and I raised my hand cause I thought he meant hands, not head, and my hands were cold, and he put this hat on me. And it was a cute moment. He put it on badly at first, and I told him he sucked at putting on hats, so he tried again, and even went behind me to get it on right. It only messed up my hair and caused his friends to laugh though. I took it off and tried to put it on him, but since I'm pretty short, I pretty much failed. Still, cute ass moment. Did I mention that he was one of the guys who's hands I held in that game? Well, he was (: But in truth, it was rather weird at first cause we were pretty much strangers. And it was right after the intro circle and nutella sandwiches so we hadn't talked much yet. We only talked after the sandwiches when we got put into groups for the game, and I sat on the rail next to him, and we looked at each other for a moment. (I try not to look away when I meet eyes with people now.) I forgot how exactly it went, but we introduced ourselves to each other again, and said the "nice to meet you"'s. I then asked for his name again when we held hands for the game, cause I wasn't really listening the first time, and yeah. I really don't know why I feel like telling you all of this, but I do.
Also, even though there were like 8 other girls there, he really only talked to me. In all the games, we were next to each other. And after the ninja game, when we were talking about books, some of the girls even started talking to him and taking pictures with him, but he would just kind of politely, but quickly get away and return to talking to me. He said "Sorry about your friends..." afterwards, haha. And when they were taking pictures in front of me, after, because my friends are camera whores and asked him for a picture, he was looking at me during it. And I was the only one he said a formal bye to. Ahhh, (:
Anyways, he seems kind of shy, too, which I really like. However, at the same time, it makes the prospects of us talking again pretty limited. He hasn't even added me on facebook ): But when he left, he said that he hopes we meet again so that we can finish our conversation about books (Tuesdays with Morrie and J.D. Salinger). I hope we have another thing with his club. I want to see him again.
And there was another pretty cool guy there, but our convos were fewer. He did remember my name and that I liked Harry Potter though.
So yeah, I'm just feeling pretty happy today(: My day kind of fell after I got home though, because I overthought some things and analyzed my good day when I wasn't supposed to and because that guy never added me on facebook (not that he said he would, but it's like custom these days, haha). But yeah, still a wonderful day. Now, I must do my math homework and article revisions because I procrastinated too much earlier. It's all good though. I don't have school this Thursday and Friday, so tonight's going to be the last night I lack serious sleep for the rest of the week!