Sunday, August 22, 2010


my essay. Got it done last night about 15 minutes before it was due. I feel like I was too repetitive with it, but fuck it. Only thing is, I ended up sleeping at around 2, woke up at 6 before finally getting up at 7:30 this morning, and my eyes were baggy as fuck. I swear, a wrinkle formed or something. I have to take better care of myself, gosh.

The days aren't as stressful anymore though. No more binging just to avoid writing. And the things I have left, they are things I know I can get done. So things are looking up.

Today wasn't as low cal as I'd hoped, but it was a damn nice day. I was up at 7:30, baked some muffins, went to a bakesale for my club until a little after 11, then to costco, office depot, staples, and cvs. Got home at around 3. So I was pretty active for at least two hours. I actually didn't really eat that much baked goods today. I had a little piece of everything my friend made, like a pinch I ripped off from a cupcake or so. Lunch was just free samples at costco. It might've been a bit calorie dense, but I was walking the whole time, so I'm not so worried. Kind of binged at home a bit, but then dinner was just veggies and some soup.

- bread (40) w/ chicken (20)
- cupcakes/muffins/brownie bits (200)
- costco free samples (300?)
- leftover spaghetti and chicken steak (400?)
- almond nougat (35)
- bbq chips (200?)
- jello (100?)
- soup (200?)
- veggies (100?)
total: around 1600?

Hopefully, I can go grocery shopping tonight and get in a bit of walking at least. I'm planning to sleep kind of early today, because I hate that I'm ruining my health by not doing so. School starts in a few days, and I have to be up at around 5. Strawberries only if I feel like binging later on tonight.

1 comment:

  1. i DO go to usc, haha, but shhh--don't tell anyone! ;]
