Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Jupiter: The Bringer of Jolity

It's a musical composition by Gustav Holst. He did one for every planet. He is a genius. Seriously. He didn't do one for Pluto, because it wasn't discovered yet at his time or he was too lazy to or something, but then it turns out that Pluto isn't even really a planet. It's a dwarf planet or something, that we have a bunch of in the universe, so it doesn't count anymore lol.

Anyways, it's not really the whole song that I like, just this really uplifting middle part of it. (3:00-5:00 ish)

There's also this recreation of it with lyrics added in Japanese, by Hirahara Ayaka. I really like it. There's also a video of the same song, but with this amazing pianist with only 4 fingers--2 on each hand.

It's just, I find the song so very moving.I hope you all like it.

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